My rating: 5 of 5 stars
In Harry Potter and the Camber of Secrets, Harry has already figured out some secrets that the school (Hogwarts) holds for him. However, Harry continues to learn more. In this book, Harry begins hearing whispers in the walls of the school. He runs into his friends Ron and Hermione but they have heard nothing. They then see words written in blood on the wall with the care taker's (Mr.Filtch) cat petrofied. As the year continues, more and more people become petrofied (including Hermione). Harry Finds a diary with the name Tom Riddle on it. The diary shows harry about the Chamber of Secrets and what happened the last time it was opended. It killed a mudblood (a witch/wizard with non magical parents) and now it is opened again. Harry finds out that the whispers he has been hearing have actually been snake. He can speak and understand snake (also known as Parstletoung). Harry and Ron go to the chaber of secrets only to be followed by their new (pretty boy) defense against the dark arts teacher. He tries to cast a spell to stop the boys but it backfires and makes the teacher completely goofy. Rn stays behind with him and Harry goes into the chamber. Soon after entering the chamber, Harry sees Ron's little sister Ginny's body lieing there. Suddenly a young boy (Riddle appears) Riddle explains to Harry that he is voldimort. Harry trusted the diary but it only gave him false information. A huge basalisque comes out of the chamber set to kill Harry. Harry manages to kill the snake with help from the head master's phenix (phalx) whom blinds the serphant and gives harry the sword of griffendoor. harry then distroys the diary of tom riddle by stabbing the book with the tooth of the snake. killing riddle and wakeing Ginny and setting things at the school right once again.....for now...
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