Tuesday, September 28, 2010


there are many ways to say i love you. English- I love you. German- ich liebe dich. Italian- ti amo. Spanish- te quiero. Portuguese- eu te amo. and the list goes on and on! one thing many people don't know..is how to show someone you love them. people ask, "How much do you love me?" well, that isn't always an easy question to answer. "More then the moon loves the stars!" well thats a good one. "More then life it self." well that's a little drastic. the point is that they are all just words. words are only words. they mean nothing. Now i'm not saying that they don't mean what they say. i'm only saying that you shouldn't just throw yourself at any guy who says they love you. it's only high school and we won't even see most of these people after we graduate. there are very few 'chilhood sweathears' anymore. so don't just settle on one guy. don't give up anything for any guy. and persue your dreams full force! We shouldn't need to worry about getting our hearts broken at 16, 17, 18 years old. it's all one big game. sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and other times you lost. miserably. i don't understand why us girls put ourselves through this. we find a guy and fall in love with him. only to be hurt. we fall in love to quickly. it is the biggest mistake a girl can make. Live life. don't just live it for a guy. live it for you. live it to persue your dreams. live it to see the world. live life and make yourself happy. when we are in our 20's we can worry about love. right now. live life to the fullest. and it doesn't matter who says what to who about anything. are you happy? THAT is all that matters. :) <3

Monday, September 27, 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Harry Potter was an orphan living with his horrid aunt, uncle, and cusin (duddley). On his 11th birthday a man comes to the house to tell harry that he is a wizard and takes him to go to school at Hogwarts. Here harry meets his two best friends (Ron & Hermione) and learns about how his parents didn't die in a car crash like his aunt and uncle have led him on to believe. Apparently, when harry was young, his parents fought against a dark force naed Lord Voldimort (an extremely powerful dark wizard). The love Harry's parents showed when fighting against the Dark Lord in order to save Harry made it so that when Voldimort tried to kill Harry that night; a peice of Voldimort attached itself to Harry leaving only a lightning bolt shaped scar on Harry's head. Now Harry is the only one who can stop him. However, Voldimort lost his body and is now forced to find someone to attach his soul to. There is something called the sorcerer's stone and if voldimort gets ahold of it, he can get his body back. Harry fights a 3-headed dog, a human/deadly chess match, and vines that will strangle you to death if you don't relax your body. When he reaches a magic merrior it shows him what his heart desires most. He wants the stone befor voldimort gets it so he can't hurt Harry or anyone else again. The merrior puts the stone in his pocket as harry turns around he sees his defense against the dark arts teacher (Quirll). Voldimort has attached himself to the back of Quirll's head. When Voldimort gets close to Harry, Harry's scare begins to cause him drastic pain. Harry fights off Quirll but sadly becoming unconcious in the end. He wakes up to the head master by his bedside in the hospital wing. The head master explains that the stone has been properly distroyed. In the end everything is ok.....for now..

View all my reviews

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Left or Right? Up or Down? Good? Bad? This? That? These are questions we face everyday in life and sometimes we answer them like it's nothing. Little do we know that some questions cann affect our entire lives. We need to take the time to think, "how will this decision affect my life?" ometimes the deciions are miniscule such as,"should i eat a cookie?" if i dont- i dont i taste it's sugary goodness. and i don't gain weight. if i do- i get the yummy taste and i get fat. However, some decisions are majorly important and can change your whole life if you aren't careful even though it may not seam like it at the time. Such as, "should i study for the SAT's?" if i don't- i get a ow grade and get into a bad college and get a bad job and ive in middle class all my life and hang out with my friends right now. or i do- i get a good grade, get into a good college, get a good job an don't hng out with my friends till after the SAT's. so you see, the decisions we make in everyday life can affect our entire futures. so think bfore you act. and becareful when making decision. becaue you od end up regretting alot an being pretty unhppy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

different yet the same?

Sometimes you find friends in the most unlikely of places. You befriend people who are nothing like you and your differences only bring you closer. She is TRAGICLY BEAUTIFUL and well, i guess you could say i'm BEAUTIFULY TRAGIC. She was Glinda when we did the wizard of oz. I was the wicked witch of the west. She likes pink. Ilike green. She is blonde and i'm brunett. She has long hair and i have short hair. She is Irish and i am Italian. She likes english and i like math She likes cheetah print and i like zebra print. She istall and iam short she is prissy princess girly girl and i am a punk rocker. We are nothing alike. Yet, our opposites attract. We love to perform. we have 2 ear peircings. We are major clutses (her morethen me). and we have a common problem. our loves...don't love us. we have agreed to help eachother no matter what. because we both know how the other feels. We are able to work together in ways we didn't even think possible. Who ever said opposites attract,they didn't know how right they were. Me and her usually agree on somethings but other things we dissagree making good conversation and interesting stories. This isthe beginging on a BEATUIFULY STRANGE friendship :)