My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Harry Potter was an orphan living with his horrid aunt, uncle, and cusin (duddley). On his 11th birthday a man comes to the house to tell harry that he is a wizard and takes him to go to school at Hogwarts. Here harry meets his two best friends (Ron & Hermione) and learns about how his parents didn't die in a car crash like his aunt and uncle have led him on to believe. Apparently, when harry was young, his parents fought against a dark force naed Lord Voldimort (an extremely powerful dark wizard). The love Harry's parents showed when fighting against the Dark Lord in order to save Harry made it so that when Voldimort tried to kill Harry that night; a peice of Voldimort attached itself to Harry leaving only a lightning bolt shaped scar on Harry's head. Now Harry is the only one who can stop him. However, Voldimort lost his body and is now forced to find someone to attach his soul to. There is something called the sorcerer's stone and if voldimort gets ahold of it, he can get his body back. Harry fights a 3-headed dog, a human/deadly chess match, and vines that will strangle you to death if you don't relax your body. When he reaches a magic merrior it shows him what his heart desires most. He wants the stone befor voldimort gets it so he can't hurt Harry or anyone else again. The merrior puts the stone in his pocket as harry turns around he sees his defense against the dark arts teacher (Quirll). Voldimort has attached himself to the back of Quirll's head. When Voldimort gets close to Harry, Harry's scare begins to cause him drastic pain. Harry fights off Quirll but sadly becoming unconcious in the end. He wakes up to the head master by his bedside in the hospital wing. The head master explains that the stone has been properly distroyed. In the end everything is ok.....for now..
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