Left or Right? Up or Down? Good? Bad? This? That? These are questions we face everyday in life and sometimes we answer them like it's nothing. Little do we know that some questions cann affect our entire lives. We need to take the time to think, "how will this decision affect my life?" ometimes the deciions are miniscule such as,"should i eat a cookie?" if i dont- i dont i taste it's sugary goodness. and i don't gain weight. if i do- i get the yummy taste and i get fat. However, some decisions are majorly important and can change your whole life if you aren't careful even though it may not seam like it at the time. Such as, "should i study for the SAT's?" if i don't- i get a ow grade and get into a bad college and get a bad job and ive in middle class all my life and hang out with my friends right now. or i do- i get a good grade, get into a good college, get a good job an don't hng out with my friends till after the SAT's. so you see, the decisions we make in everyday life can affect our entire futures. so think bfore you act. and becareful when making decision. becaue you od end up regretting alot an being pretty unhppy.
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