there are many ways to say i love you. English- I love you. German- ich liebe dich. Italian- ti amo. Spanish- te quiero. Portuguese- eu te amo. and the list goes on and on! one thing many people don't know..is how to show someone you love them. people ask, "How much do you love me?" well, that isn't always an easy question to answer. "More then the moon loves the stars!" well thats a good one. "More then life it self." well that's a little drastic. the point is that they are all just words. words are only words. they mean nothing. Now i'm not saying that they don't mean what they say. i'm only saying that you shouldn't just throw yourself at any guy who says they love you. it's only high school and we won't even see most of these people after we graduate. there are very few 'chilhood sweathears' anymore. so don't just settle on one guy. don't give up anything for any guy. and persue your dreams full force! We shouldn't need to worry about getting our hearts broken at 16, 17, 18 years old. it's all one big game. sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and other times you lost. miserably. i don't understand why us girls put ourselves through this. we find a guy and fall in love with him. only to be hurt. we fall in love to quickly. it is the biggest mistake a girl can make. Live life. don't just live it for a guy. live it for you. live it to persue your dreams. live it to see the world. live life and make yourself happy. when we are in our 20's we can worry about love. right now. live life to the fullest. and it doesn't matter who says what to who about anything. are you happy? THAT is all that matters. :) <3
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