If Ashley ruled the world things would be different. I mean way different. America wouldn't even be called America in Ashley's world. In Ashley's world, America would be called Ashmerica. I have descided to write down Ashley's views on how the world would be if she ruled. I want to write a book about it but want to know what you all think before I write it. These are the basic ideas and orders of Ashley's new world order. Enjoy!
- Ashmerica.
- The password to get into Ashmerica is pineapple skins.
- Everyone must drink all liquids out of boxes like juice boxes.
- All floors MUST be made out of trampolines and moon bounces.
- There is no such thing as jell-o.
- Math is illegal.
- ALL dark areas MUST be night lighted.
- Bambi's mother DOES NOT DIE!!!!
- Jail is inside of a chucky cheese. Inside of a locked ball pit. Inside a volcano with the lava scooped out.
- #1 rule- Always check for toilet paper.
- Every third Wednesday, Everyone must break out into song and dance so life becomes a musical.
- Cheese, Bacon, and Chocolate are the three main food groups.
- Fat jolly bakers are the best. If you are a fat grumpy baker, a skinny jolly baker, or a skinny grumpy baker, you will be sent to jail.
- hairspray is banned, for it kills Santa.
- Ashley- dictator, Katie- treasurer (with an eye patch) , Jim (the broom)- awesome, Alexis- second in command, Briana- military seargent, Ariana- mean ISP teacher.
- There are no guns and no bullets. Only water guns.
- The only people who go to ISP are people Ashley hates. Mean people. However, everyone must still go to school so we all wont be idiots. Only mean people go to ISP though.
- All clouds must be made of cotton candy. "I don't care how it gets done! just do it!"
- All crocodiles (crocs) have manes (like a lion's mane).
- There are 8 days in a week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Flurbday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
- Anyone with the last name *GLEASON must be jailed and not allowed to reproduce.
- Owls may not be worn in picture or life.
- Bad attitudes get you sent to ISP. I suggest you be nice.
- Every third day you must talk in a HORRIBLE Australian accent.
- Chores are banned. The only people who have to do chores are the people in jail. They must do chores for EVERYONE.
- All streets and trees are the color teal.
- There are no cars in Ashmerica. Floors are trampolines and moon bounces remember? Bounce and stop being lazy!
- On Thanksgiving the meal must consist of: Grape Juice, Cheesy Potatoes, bacon, Chocolate Covered Potatoe Chips, Banana Chips, and Mango Smoothies.
- There is no such thing as allergies, cancer, or HIV.
- Exclimation points are to be used instead of periods, question marks, and other punctuation at the end of scentences! Which means I will be using exclimation points from now on!
- Atheism doesn't exist because it is annoying!
- You are not allowed to sing badly or out of tune unless you have special permission by Ashley!
- No one can question dictator Ashley! Unless she says you can! Which probibly won't happen!
- Brusslesprouts, Egg plants, and cherry water ice are banned! Ashley doesn't like them and neither should you!
- Movie theaters are NO MORE! Only Drive Ins and indoor Drive Ins!
- The only human/nonhuman things allowed to be terrorists are gurbber daises!
- All puffer fishes must be names puff daddy!
- pets cannot have names like Mike! Only names like Wilber or Geronimo!
- The song Grillz by Nelly is the Ashmerica Anthem!
- Instead of Running laps in gym, people must climb trees! (It's more fun)!
No Athiesism :o, no dark areas, and bambies mother DOESN'T die :o, thats a horrible place to live *thinks about it* AHHHHHHH
ReplyDeleteThis seems like an interesting world, but I am cool with the one that I live in already. Please don't post any pictures of students and/or last names and/or videos of students and/or anything inappropriate. Looks like you're good so far. Wait a minute... Ok, time to double check!