Leo isn't just a cat. He is my best friend. Not only is he my best friend, but he is perrrrrrrfect! "Leo came to us. Not the other way around," my mother likes to say. She went outside to water her flowers when she saw him sitting on our neighbor's pourch. "You don't want to go there. They have dogs!" she calmly exclaimed to the black and white, slim, feline resting under a chair. After he noticed my mother talknig to him he quickly ran over obviously begging for attention. My mother came in to get me and my sister. We gave the cat some attention as well as tuna and water. After we left the food for him we went inside. The cat however, decided to stay and spend the night on the pourch. Later that night, my step dad looked out the window to check on the cat and noticed a white cat sneaking up behind it. Pete quickly ran out the door to scare the white cat away. It worked and in fear for his safty, my step dad brought him in. We named (her) Mia. Supprisingly though when we took Mia to the vet, we found out Mia was actually a Leo. :/ oops.
Leo has always been by my side ever since we brought him in. He always wanted to be around my and on my lap and at the foot of my bed or curled up next to/on me. He is very loving and is always there for me when i need him. He is there through break ups and deaths. he is there durring the good and bad times and always with me. Mom says he is my cat because he took to me the best. He is very outgoing and greats guests in our home with a friendsly rub up against their legs. He loves attention and is no longer slim and slender. Nope. He is pleasantly plump and i love him! ^_^ . Leo is a black and white, long haired, plump, male cat and he is my best friend.
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